Let your personality shine through with #BeeMyLove. Bee My Love turns the bee and its graphic honeycomb into radiant jewellery pieces. Both timeless and bold, discover an icon of Parisian jewellery.
AN OLD TRADITION OVER 240 YEARS OLD Maison Chaumet is part of the long line of French jewelry designers who have made a name for themselves among the big names in international fine jewelry. Since its creation in 1780 in Paris by its founder Marie-Etienne Nitot, the history of the brand is intimately linked to that of the History of France. Indeed, Chaumet became the reference jeweler of Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais, first wife of Emperor Napoleon 1ᵉʳ. For more than 240 years, its know-how has been passed down from generation to generation. In addition to exceptional women's jewelry such as rings, bracelets, brooches, necklaces or tiaras, there are also sublime watches worthy of the great Swiss watchmaking tradition.

Icon of Parisian jewelry, the Bee My Love collection boldly appropriates the symbol of the bee. Like a beehive built over time, the graphic cells follow one another ad infinitum, refined to the point of abstraction and sublimated by a unique know-how. A jeweled and graphic reinterpretation of the honeycomb, Bee My Love plays with the imperial symbol of the bee with modernity. The geometric creations in this collection adorn the wearer in gold, affirming a queen of femininity.
Client : Chaumet, Agence : Mazarine, Production : _, Postproduction/Animation : Spacesheep